Monday, 10 October 2011

Anna and Arvind Being Empowered to Destroy Democracy

In the most recent public appearance by Anna Hazare and Arvind Kejriwal, there are some disturbing messages to be read between the lines. Not only is Anna and his team getting bolder, it is also starting to show its true shade of autocracy gradually, as had been predicted by many during the fast against corruption or shall we call it the fast for their version of the bill, nothing more.

In the most recent statement Arvind Kejriwal with a misguided sense of confidence claimed that Anna was above the parliament, and as a cover up he added that so was every citizen of this nation. Now firstly none of us are above the parliament, in fact we are the parliament, since we elect our representatives for governance and administration. Hence for anyone to be above the parliament is being above the people of this country. Secondly, without dwelling into the trivial issues of the statement, one must realize that earlier Anna and Arvind had claimed openly that they would accept the parliament’s decision as the final one.  

But this sudden change of stance was predicted by many. Especially by those who understand the reaction of publicity addicts. Amidst the already existing confusion that an unworthy opposition has been causing in our nation, the Anna challenge to protest against the congress and the entire UPA is only an insult to the people. Are the people not smart enough to decide for themselves whom to vote for? Do we really need self proclaimed authority of people like Anna and Arvind, who are so lost in their stance that they consider themselves above the highest interpreter and maker of law, the parliament?

I must mention that Anna team has also literally blackmailed the BJP, by claiming to protests against them if they withdraw support. I wonder what phase our nation is going through, where demands have been decided upon without reason. The extents to which sides are willing to go to push their choice to reality are beyond democracy and morality.

The entire move has been timed by Anna and Arvind in context of the elections that are to be held in five states next year. Considering basic analysis, the using of the time before elections, the boastful and confident claim of being above the parliament, and blackmail to force support are all clear signs of a non democratic functioning. For such things to be happening in our country is a saddening incident. We the people must speak up against this, in fact BJP and Congress both should be firm and must remove this Anna team from the picture. The president has already confirmed that the government is keen on passing an ombudsman bill.

Anna and Arvind do not realize simple things like a combination of the best. Why push so hard for their version. Well because they want to be a part of history famously. If selflessly they really wanted change, they would have agreed to taking the best of all version of the bill and finding a true cure to corruption. Personally Anna has hurt the citizen that resides in me, and I publicly claim that he is unworthy of any political participation ever.


  1. I don't know what these guys up to .. they can't fool democracy. First they protest against politician and now they want to become politician. Track on which they jogging is totally wrong.

  2. @angad u totally correct.. they really needs to focus Jan Lokpal Bill not on making political career. btw well written article.
